Inlaid spurs from grave 161N at the inner bailey of the Libice nad Cidlinou stronghold

A contribution to the understanding of spur development in the late Carolingian period




Early Middle Ages, Libice nad Cidlinou, spurs, inlay, chronology, radiocarbon dating


The study is focused on the rediscovered spurs with strap-fittings found in 1951 during archaeological research of the cemetery at the inner bailey of the Libice nad Cidlinou stronghold. On the surface of the artefacts, the remains of a rich decoration rendered in silver and non-ferrous metal alloys were revealed and documented in detail using of X-ray tomography and spectrometry. It ranks the set among the most valuable finds of early medieval spurs from Bohemia. The typological and chronological evaluation of the spurs, the review of the finding context, and the radiocarbon dating of the Libice graves with spurs became the basis for a reassessment of the genesis and spread of spurs with a long prick. The dating of burial 161N to the second half of the 9th century also raises more general questions concerning the periodisation of so-called post-Great Moravian artefacts in early medieval Bohemia or the dynamics of contact with Moravia and the Frankish Empire.


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How to Cite

Koštová, N., & Košta, J. (2023). Inlaid spurs from grave 161N at the inner bailey of the Libice nad Cidlinou stronghold: A contribution to the understanding of spur development in the late Carolingian period. Archeologické Rozhledy, 75(2), 153–190.



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