Author Guidelines

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Archeologické rozhledy requires specific formatting for submitted manuscripts. Please note that manuscripts that considerably deviate from these requirements may be returned to the author with a request for correction and later resubmission. The journal accepts manuscripts in English and Czech.


Table of Contents

Types of Published Articles

Text Format



Latin Words



Calendar Dates

Radiocarbon Dates



Online Supplementary Material

Funding Statements

References in Text

References in Bibliography


Types of Published Articles

Peer-reviewed section:

Research Article
  • paper presenting new research, case study, or advance in the archaeology of Central Europe
  • max. 12 000 words (including only the main text and references) and 20 figures and tables
  • the structure should generally correspond to the following layout: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion; in justified cases, an alternative text layout is also possible
  • 5–7 keywords, abstract 100–200 words long
Topical Review
  • paper summarising a specific topic of Central European archaeology or in connection with this area; the paper should offer a comprehensive overview of previous literature as well as new conclusions on the topic
  • max. 12 000 words (main text and references) and 15 figures and tables
  • 5–7 keywords, abstract 100–200 words long
  • paper addressing current topical issues in the archaeological community, debates with other authors or concerning new methodological approaches
  • max. 8 000 words (main text and references) and 5 figures and tables
  • 5–7 keywords, abstract 100–200 words long
  • negative expressive words, invectives, and arguments ad hominem should be avoided in debates with other scholars; in such cases, Archeologické rozhledy reserves the right to edit or even reject the manuscript

Editor-reviewed section:

Book Review
  • paper reviewing newly published archaeological literature with relation or relevance to the Central European territory; the review should place the book in the context of current discourse and present the reviewer’s opinion of the book; short annotations are not accepted
  • max. 4 000 words
  • negative expressive words, invectives, and arguments ad hominem should be avoided; in such cases, Archeologické rozhledy reserves the right to edit or even reject the manuscript
  • brief papers presenting conference reports, obituaries, or statements
  • max. 2 000 words
  • the journal does not accept birthday notices for esteemed scholars


Text Format

Manuscripts are accepted in an MS Word document (.doc, .docx, or .rtf). The text should be in 12-point font size with normal spacing. We ask authors to apply minimum text formatting such as justifying the text, automatic headings or numbers. Footnotes should be also used sparsely. Figures and tables should not be embedded in the text but submitted in separate documents. Authors should insert only references to these figures in the text (e.g., ‘Fig. 1‘, ‘Tab. 1‘). Insert the figure and table captions at the end of the text document.

Archeologické rozhledy uses British English spelling. The journal does not provide English translations or full proofreading for the main body of manuscripts; therefore, it does not hold any responsibility for language mistakes and inaccuracies. It is strongly recommended for non-native speakers to arrange proofreading of their English manuscripts to ensure their quality. The journal provides only translation or proofreading for the English Abstract, Summary, and Figure captions.



Capitals should be used for initials of proper geographic names (e.g. ‘Near East’, ‘Lower Austria’) and when parts of major regions are specified (e.g., ‘Central Europe’, ‘West Bohemia’, ‘Southern Germany’). Capitals should be avoided when parts of rivers and streams (e.g., ‘upper Danube’, ‘lower Morava’) or mountains are specified (e.g., ‘western Tatras’, but notice ‘High Tatras’ and ‘Eastern Alps’ for geographic names).

Standard archaeological periods should be capitalised (e.g. ‘Neolithic’, ‘Eneolithic’), and the common nouns that are part of their names (e.g. ‘Bronze Age’, ‘Roman Period’, ‘La Tène Period’) as well as the main divisions of these periods (e.g. ‘Late Bronze Age’, ‘Upper Palaeolithic’) should also be capitalised. For other more detailed chronological periods and cultures, lower cases are used for common nouns (e.g. ‘Linear Pottery culture’, ‘Prague-type culture’, ‘Šárka type’, ‘proto-Únětice phase’).



Abbreviations common in Central European archaeology can be used without a previous statement in full-length form (e.g. LBK, TRB). Other less common expressions should be stated in full form during their first use.


Latin Words

Latin words and abbreviations should be italicised (‘de facto’, ‘per se’, ‘vice versa’, ‘in situ’) with the exception of commonly used abbreviations (‘cf.’, ‘e.g.’, ‘c.’ for circa, ‘etc.’, ‘i.e.’, but see ‘et al.’ in references).



Numbers < 10 should be spelled out in full. Arabic numerals should be used for all numbers above 10. If a number occurs in a phrase in which most of the numbers are above five, use Arabic numerals for all (e.g. ‘125 pottery fragments, 11 daub fragments, and 4 bones’). Roman numerals should be avoided if possible and used only in justified cases.

Use a point as a decimal separator (e.g. ‘3.25’). Use a space in long numbers above 1 000 (e.g. ‘3 128’, ‘12 568’, ‘1 125 328’, but note calendar dates below).



Use the International System of Units (SI). Units should be abbreviated and separated by a space from the number. For specific cases, follow the examples below:

  • altitude: ‘524 MASL’
  • percentage: use per cent in two words (‘23 per cent’) or ‘23 %’ where it appears frequently; when one form is chosen, be consistent throughout the manuscript
  • chemical elements: mass number as upper case before the element's symbol (14C, 15N, 87Sr/86Sr)


Calendar Dates

Archeologické rozhledy uses BC/AD format. AD comes before the date, BC after, except when using a century name (e.g. ‘1500 BC’, ‘AD 1085’, ‘12th century AD’). The en dash (–) should be used to represent a chronological range (e.g. ‘2200–1900 BC’).


Radiocarbon Dates

For every radiocarbon date quoted in a table or text, the authors should provide the conventional radiocarbon age in 14C years BP (e.g. ‘3521±24 BP’) and the laboratory code (e.g. ‘Poz-20921’). For calibrated or modelled dates the range (or ranges) with an associated probability (68.3 % or 95.4 %; alternatively 1σ and 2σ) should be stated (e.g. ‘5247–5041 cal BC at 95.4 % probability’, ‘1σ: 528–642 cal AD‘). We also recommend that authors specify the software used for calibration (e.g. OxCal v.4.4) and the calibration curve (e.g. IntCal20), with references.

For details, see conventions for citing radiocarbon dates in:

Millard, A.R. 2014: Conventions for Reporting Radiocarbon Determinations. Radiocarbon 56, 555–559.



Figures are accepted in TIFF, EPS, AI, PSD, and JPG formats for pixel graphics (photos, maps, etc.) and PDF, TIFF, EPS, or XLS format for vector graphics (charts, graphs, line drawings, etc.). Images embedded in MS Word documents are not accepted. Figure resolutions must be at least 500dpi and dimensions are limited to a maximum width of 126 mm and a maximum height of 195 mm (figure captions should be considered). After converting images into the printed format, font height must not drop below 1.5 mm (approx. font size 4.5). Submitted documents should be clearly named and numbered (e.g. Surname_Fig_01). Make sure that references in the text match the file name.

There is no charge to authors for the publication of colour images.

Maps and plans must include an accurate scale and north point. When the specific site is presented, its location on the state map or wider area should be provided preferably in the corner of the site plan.



Tables are accepted in MS Excel (.xls, .xlsx) or MS Word (.doc, .docx) documents. Tables should not be embedded in the text body but submitted in separate documents both clearly named and numbered (e.g. Surname_Tab_01). Make sure that the references in the text match the file name.

Avoid the formatting of tables and please note that the maximum size for a table is 126 × 195 mm (table captions should be considered). Tables which cannot fit these dimensions without significant readability issues are recommended for the Online Supplementary material section (see below).


Online Supplementary Material

This material can be uploaded as Dependent Files during OJS submission and can involve various documents (text, tables, field documentation, photos, videos) that exceed the limits of printed the journal. Refer to this material in the text in the same way as Figures and Tables (e.g. ‘Online Supplementary Material 1’). Note that supplementary material is only published online.


Funding Statements

The funding statement can be presented in the Acknowledgements at the end of the text. It is recommended that authors carefully check all stated information. The journal does not assume any responsibility for typos or omissions made by the author(s).


References in Text

Archeologické rozhledy employs parenthetical citation, i.e. references given in brackets are embedded in the text. Brackets contain the author’s name in italics, the year of publication in italics, and nonitalicised page(s) separated by an en dash. Page numbers should be cited wherever possible. Multiple citations are arranged chronologically (from earliest to latest), separated by a nonitalicised semicolon. If various works published in the same year and by the same author are cited, these must be identified by lower case letters. If the publication has three or more authors, state only the first author followed by ‘et al.

Examples of citations in text:

… as stated by Stephan (2001, 28), people are …

… was identified earlier (see Stephan 2001, Fig. 3).

Stephan et al. (1996; 1997) argue that ...

For example, Stephan and Marcus (1992) have analysed …

… has also been proved at other sites (Stephan – Marcus 1992, Tab. 2).

… has not been recorded (Stephan et al. 1994, 199–200).

… several excavation campaigns (Stephan – Marcus 1985, 156–159; Olivier – See 2001; Stephan 2002, 38; Stephan et al. 2006, 45).

… previous analyses support this hypothesis (Stephan 1986a; 1986b).

… as documented by recent excavations (Stephan in press).

Quotes should be placed within single quotation marks. Short quotes can be placed within the text; longer quotes should be indented.


Citations of classical authors and historical sources that have been edited should be given in the text. Brackets contain the name of the author, the title of the work in italics, and specification of the chapter, section, line, or verse according to standard conventions. These are followed by a colon, the editor/translator of the work and the year of publication. Abbreviations of well-known titles are acceptable.

Examples of citations of classical authors and edited historical or archive sources in text:

… are known from Gallia (Caesar, Bell. Gall. VI. 25, 2: McDevitte – Bohn 1869).

Cosmas (Chronica Boemorum I. 35: Hrdina et al. 2011) refers to …

… was also recorded by classic historians (Tacitus, Annales II, 26, 3: Syme 1958).

… is known also from Norse mythology (Snorri Sturluson, Prose Edda, Gylfaginning, 35: Boyock 2006).


Citations of archive sources that have not been edited should be given in the text. Brackets contain italicised identification of the archiving institution and fond followed by non-italicised identification of the document (untranslated original names, abbreviations, and identifications issued by the archiving institution are allowed here).

Examples of citations of unedited archive sources in text:

… is recorded in archive sources (OeStA Wien, Hofkammerarchiv, HZAB bd 102/1656, rolle 143).

… which is mentioned in the testament dated to 1496 (MZA Brno, SOkA Pelhřimov, AMP, č. 29).

The site was mentioned in a despatch issued on 29th March 1619 (SOA Třeboň, RA Buquoyů, II/T 36, inv. č. 730, kart. 102, 67/I/670).


In the case of webpage citation in the text, a distinction is made as to whether the page has an author and the date of release listed. If the date is not indicated, the ‘n.d.’ is stated. If the author is not indicated, the organisation providing the webpage is stated.

Examples of citations of webpages in text:

… becomes a common sense (Wikipedia n.d.).

… has been already mentioned (Mikešová n.d.).

… as argued by some scholars (Smith 2018).


Citations of databases or other online data sources should be given in the text. Brackets contain the italicised name of the database or the source and the record ID if applicable.

Examples of citations of databases and other online sources in text:

… but only a small number of radiocarbon dates are available for this area (IsoMemo database).

So far, 324 Bronze Age hoards have been recorded in Bohemia (AMCR database).

… has been recently excavated at this site (AMCR database, M-201400460A).

*Note that AMCR record, not AMCR Digital Archive document is cited here. AMCR Digital Archive documents should be cited as authored papers.


References in Bibliography

References are listed alphabetically and subsequently chronologically at the end of the text. If a DOI exists for the source, it must be stated with the reference (for examples see the Journal articles section below). All bibliographical references must be complete and accurate. Please, check the reference list carefully.



Childe, V. G. 1929: The Danube in prehistory. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Binford, L. R. 2001: Constructing frames of reference. An analytical method for archaeological theory building using hunter-gatherer and environmental data sets. London: University of California.

Ammerman, A. J. – Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. 1984: The Neolithic transition and the genetics of populations in Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Lutovský, M. – Sláma, J. – Profantová, N. 1995: Sámova říše. Praha: Academia.

Lutovský, M. – Smejtek, L. et al. 2005: Pravěká Praha. Praha: Libri.

*When the collective of authors is explicitly stated in the monograph title, an abbreviated list of authors is acceptable


Monograph series:

Pahlow, M. 2006: Gold der Bronzezeit in Schleswig-Holstein. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 137. Bonn: Habelt.

Klíma, B. 1995: Dolní Věstonice II: ein Mammutjägerrastplatz und seine Bestattungen. Dolnověstonické stuide 3, Études et recherches archéologiques de l’Université de Liège 73. Brno: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno.

Zápotocký, M. – Vencl, S. 2000: Cimburk und die Höhensiedlungen des frühen und älteren Äneolithikums in Böhmen. Památky archeologické, Supplementum 12. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha.


Edited monographs:

Hofmann, D. (ed.) 2020: Magical, mundane, or marginal? Deposition practices in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik culture. Leiden: Sidestone Press.

Venclová, N. (ed.) 2008: Archeologie pravěkých Čech 6. Doba halštatská. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha.

Bickle, P. – Whittle, A. (eds.) 2013: The first farmers of central Europe. Diversity in LBK lifeways. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Beneš, J. – Pokorný, P. (eds.) 2008: Bioarcheologie v České republice. České Budějovice – Praha: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích – Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha.


Conference proceedings:

Verhagen, P. – Posluschny, A. G. – Danielisová, A. (eds.) 2011: Go your own least cost path. Spatial technology and archaeological interpretation. Proceedings of the GIS session at EAA 2009, Riva del Garda. BAR International Series 2284. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Prostředník, J. (ed.) 1998: Otázky neolitu a eneolitu našich zemí. Sborník referátů z 16. pracovního zasedání badatelů pro výzkum neolitu a eneolitu Čech, Moravy a Slovenska, Lázně Sedmihorky 23.-25. září 1997. Turnov – Hradec Králové: Okresní muzeum Českého ráje – Muzeum východních Čech.


Monograph and conference proceedings chapters:

Kuna, M. 1998: The memory of landscapes. In: E. Neustupný (ed.), Space in prehistoric Bohemia. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, 106–115.

Jockenhövel, A. 2013: Germany in the Bronze Age. In: H. Fokkens – A. Harding (eds.), The Oxford handbook of the European Bronze Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 723–745.

Furholt, M. 2021: Resisting the 'violence-inequality complex' – A new model for third millennium BC mobility in Europe. In: V. Heyd – G. Kulcsár – B. Preda-Bălănică, B. (eds.), Yamnaya Interactions. Proceedings of the International Workshop held in Helsinki, 25–26 April 2019. The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe 2. Budapest: Archaeolingua, 57–82.


Journal articles:

Hennius, A. 2018: Viking Age tar production and outland exploitation. Antiquity 92, 1349–1361.

Dobeš, M. – Šumberová, R. 2015: Klasický stupeň badenské kultury v Čechách na příkladu sídliště v Kolíně. Památky archeologické 106, 43–93.

Mangel, T. – Milo, P. – Tencer, T. – Jošková, T. 2020: New findings about the arrangement of internal buildings in La Tène quadrangular enclosures in Bohemia based on the example of the site of Markvartice, East Bohemia. Archeologické rozhledy 72, 427–449.

Kolenda, J. – Zamelska-Monczak, K. in press: The North or the South? Early medieval ceramics decorated with a zoned ornament – the result of local changes or interregional contacts?. Archeologické rozhledy.

* If the journal has separate pagination for each issue, the reference may also include the issue number:

Dyčka, M. 2016: To see and to be seen – the Antonine Wall in the context of spatial analysis. Studia Hercynia 20(2), 40–66.

* If the article has more than 10 authors and DOI, shortening to 5 authors is allowed:

Papac, L. – Ernée, M. – Dobeš, M. – Langová, M. – Rohrlach, A. B. et al. 2021: Dynamic changes in genomic and social structures in third millennium BCE central Europe. Science Advances 7, eabi6941.


Edited classical authors and historical sources:

References to classical authors and historical sources should be embedded in the same list as standard literature. Please note that classical and historical authors do not figure in the list for themselves, but the source is referred to according to the editor/translator.

Byock, J. (ed.) 2006: The Prose Edda. London: Penguin Books.

Hrdina, K. – Bláhová, M. – Moravová, M. (eds.) 2011: Kosmas. Kronika Čechů. Praha: Argo.

McDevitte, W. A. – Bohn, W. S. (eds.) 1869: Caesar's commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars. New York: Harper & Bros.


Unedited historical and archive sources:

References to archive sources should be embedded in the same list as standard literature. Please note that the source is listed according to the archiving institution and their fonds.

OeStA Wien, Hofkammerarchiv, HZAB: Österreichisches Staatsarchiv Wien, Hofkammerarchiv, Sammlung der Hofzahlamtsbücher.

MZA Brno, SOkA Pelhřimov, AMP: Moravský zemský archiv v Brně, Státní okresní archiv Pelhřimov, fond Archiv města Pelhřimov.


Unpublished theses:

Divišová, M. 2011: Characteristics of the end of the Mesolithic in Central Europe based on findings of artefactual and environmental archaeology. České Budějovice: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích. Unpublished BA thesis.

Golitko, M. L. 2010: Warfare and alliance building during the Belgian Early Neolithic, late sixth millennium BC. Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago. Unpublished PhD thesis.


Výzkumy v Čechách Series (formerly Bulletin záchranného oddělení):

Vokolek, V. – Rataj, J. 1964: Ostroměř, o. Jičín. Výzkumy v Čechách 1963, 31.

Břicháček, P. 1982: Neplachov, okr. České Budějovice. Výzkumy v Čechách 1978–1979, 79.

*It is recommended that this source be referred to as an online document of AMCR Digital Archive (see below).


AMCR Digital archive:

Břicháček, P. 1982: Document C-TX-198504255. AMCR Digital Archive.

Černý, M. 2015: Document C-TX-201504078. AMCR Digital Archive.

anonymous author 1981: Document C-TX-198105281. AMCR Digital Archive.

Gojda, M. 2004: Document C-DL-200400059. AMCR Digital Archive.


Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic (AMCR):

Individual record: AMCR: Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic. Record M-201400460A. Available at: [accessed 24-12-2021].

Database in general: AMCR: Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic. Available at: [accessed 24-12-2021].



Wikipedia (n.d.): Archaeology. Available at: [accessed 24-12-2021].

Mikešová, V. (n.d.): Problematika archeologického dědictví. Available at: [accessed 24-12-2021].

Smith, M. E. 2018: When big data are bad data. Available at: [accessed 24-12-2021].


Databases and other online sources:

IsoMemo: a Big isotopic Data iniciative. Available at: [accessed 24-12-2021].

Barta, P. – Demján, P. – Hladíková, K. – Kmeťová, P. – Piatničková K. 2013: Database of radiocarbon dates measured on archaeological samples from Slovakia, Czechia, and adjacent regions. Available at: [accessed 24-12-2021].

