Ceramic technology evolution at the beginning of the Roman Period

Case study of the Mlékojedy settlement site (Central Bohemia)





Early Roman Period, Late La Tène Period, XRF, XRD, ceramic petrography


This exploratory archaeometric study investigates pottery from a Großromstedt culture associated with a significant migratory wave from the north into the Bohemian Basin at the transition from the Late La Tène to the Roman periods. The analysis of ceramics from the Mlékojedy settlement reveals evidence of technological discontinuity in two key chronological transitions. The first and more significant transition between the Late La Tène period and the Early Roman period (LT D/R A) is characterised by a change in the pottery forming method, with a turn away from the use of the potter's wheel. New pottery shapes and a new range of ornamentation are also introduced in this period, potentially indicating cultural import or/and population migration. However, the technological changes in pottery production were not absolute, as certain processes persisted. The second technological discontinuity was found between phases R A and R B1 of the Roman period. It appears as a natural evolution of the ceramic technology, which was accelerated by the social changes. The findings suggest that the vast majority of pottery could have been produced from local sources.


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How to Cite

Beneš, Z., Slavíček, K., & Všianský, D. (2024). Ceramic technology evolution at the beginning of the Roman Period: Case study of the Mlékojedy settlement site (Central Bohemia). Archeologické Rozhledy, 76(1). https://doi.org/10.35686/AR.2024.3



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